Take action, don't just accept reaction!

Positive steps you can make during these challenging times.

As lockdown hits and we are asked to stay home with our families, worrying about our elderly relatives as well as our jobs and businesses, will come into a lot of people’s minds. This may bring on stress, anxiety and we can possibly feel our mood slipping.

Please remember not to take it out on your nearest and dearest. Our children and partners can be easy targets so please be mindful of your behaviour.

A few tips to help you along:

  • Discuss how you are feeling with your partner and young adult children, and ask them how they are feeling today. Keep the lines of communication open.
  • Talk together about what you have planned for the day and make a daily plan.
  • Keep busy… we all have lots of stuff to catch up on at home so don’t let low feelings kick in.
  • Ensure children are continuing with their education, make it fun for them to keep learning. Also, ask childminders about some of the activities they use when they look after your children. They have lots of good ideas.
  • When you start to worry put it in a box and put the lid on it and get on with your day. Worrying will not change anything, action will.
  • Finding good books that entertain and educate helps us to stay in a better place.
  • Make future plans for when this situation passes… because it will!

I will be offering some tips for couples and relationships on the blog and social media platforms on a regular basis.

If you want to speak with any of our team of counsellors we are here. Usually, sessions last 55 mins however you may feel a thirty-minute session would work better for you. Telephone, facetime, skype email all available to you to reach us. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at nightingalescotland@gmail.com or by telephone on 0141 353 9373.

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