Family Therapy
Family Therapy helps families overcome conflict within family relationships
Systemic therapy focuses on relationships between a group of people, rather than the thoughts and feelings of the individual. It is often referred to as family therapy but is much broader in scope and can be applied to any group, whether professional or personal where the relationships have become dysfunctional, impacting on the entire system.
Within any system, members communicate and behave based on their beliefs and respective roles. Families are systems where the needs and roles of members shift between dependency in infancy and old age and autonomy in adolescence and adulthood. Our expectations of how family members behave within roles are formed by our own family history and wider culture.
Overcoming family arguments with improved communication
Communication difficulties arise when these expectations are fixed but out of step with the practical demands of life. Some voices become dominant as they try to problem-solve immediate challenges, and others unheard as they try to avoid conflict. Over time, identities form as either controlling and resentful or dependent and self-doubting. To feel safe within the family, individuals use strategies such as isolation, stonewalling, ganging up or anger to control the narrative.