Nightingale Marriage Counselling Bereavement Counselling

Bereavement Counselling

The loss of a loved one is one of life’s most painful and difficult journeys.

Our Specially trained counsellors provide a special, secure place to discuss the things that family & friends may find difficult to hear.

Bereavement Counselling

Bereavement Counselling is a specialist form of counselling.

For most of us, bereavement will be the most psychologically distressing experience we will ever face. The loss of a loved one can start one of life’s most painful and difficult journeys. We can be left with an overwhelming sense of sadness, hopelessness and, indeed, helplessness. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Although our response to loss is an individual experience, there are some common responses to the passing of a loved one:

  • Shock
  • Pain
  • Disbelief
  • Guilt
  • Anger
  • Despair

When grief is not addressed we can sometimes feel ourselves slipping into a depression or become very active to create a diversion from the pain. We also need to be aware that addiction can creep into our lives to help us to self-soothe, which is only masking the pain for a short time. One thing that we all experience in grief is a desire to feel better about the passing of a loved one, and to reach a stage of acceptance that allows us to reconnect with our own lives and feel more positive about the passing of our loved ones.

“ We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails. ”

What to expect...

Our counselling provides that special, secure place to share the things that family and friends may find difficult to hear. Working with a specially trained bereavement counsellor to share and offload our deepest fears and anxieties, can be like a lifeline.

Bereavement counselling is a very specialised arena of work. It is vitally important that people who are grieving work with a counsellor who has their foundations, training and qualifications firmly placed in bereavement counselling.

At Nightingale our counsellors are very experienced and have received extensive training by Cruse. They work specifically with loss, grief, terminal illness, and death through suicide.


When you contact Nightingale, you will reach our friendly receptionists. They will pass your number to Florence and she will call you back within a few hours. She will assess your bereavement circumstances to allow her to match you with the most appropriate counsellor. We will then look at booking you an appointment within 24 – 48 hours.

If you are experiencing difficulty coping with the loss of a loved one we would like to invite you to speak to us.

To find out more about our Counselling Services and how we can help you, please get in touch using the buttons below or alternatively you can call us on 0141 353 9373

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