Family mediation
Family mediation is an invaluable service that aims to find a middle ground between a separated couple. It’s by working in this middle ground, we can find a way forward for you, your ex, and your children.
The impact on your children
Sometimes, when you are going through a ‘messy’ break-up, you just can’t see the woods for the trees. You might feel a high degree of anger, sadness, frustration and hostility towards each other. Tempers may rise, arguments may happen, and you might be very unkind to each other. This won’t only hurt your ex-partner, but it will also break the hearts of their children. Stop! You may have fallen out of love with each other, but I don’t expect you have fallen out of love with you children. They will also be suffering through this horrible situation. Seeing and hearing both of their parents being at loggerheads, unable to find some sort of resolution or middle ground, will be horrible for them.
Usually, the parents at this stage have legally separated or have decided to divorce. Okay, that’s all fine for the adults in the ‘couple relationship’ but hang on – what about the children?